The Spartan 300 Cosplay Guide

Name: Spartan 300

Type: Action / History / War / Fantasy

Region: United States




BC four hundred and eighty years, the king of Persia king Xerxes command of five hundred thousand troops, warships more than a thousand ships, a large attack on Greece. And all the way to the south near the Dempoli pass.

The mighty Xerxes also sent a letter to the Greek city states, hoping that the small states would not fall. Which naturally also includes Spartan City.

As a result, the messenger of Xerxes suffered from the upsurge of many Greeks. At this time, in order to resist the enemy, the brave Spartan king Leonidas pro rate from all over the Greek coalition forces gathered about seven thousand people, the first rushed to the hot springs off, keep the terrain to the pass.


The Spartan 300 Cosplay

The Spartan 300 Cosplay

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